23 February 2013

a poorly procrastinator says what...

Today is not going very well for me, I'm really feeling under-the-weather. I've spent a couple of hours waiting to see an emergency doctor and get some antibiotics for this stupid cough of mine.
Only it's not just a cough, I have a fairly high temperature and I've spent most of the morning trying not to fall asleep where I've been standing/sitting.
Fortunately for me we are at my parents house today so they are madam sitting and I am in bed. As mentioned I've been struggling not to drop off for the majority of the day, but now I'm in bed, I'm wide (ish) awake...
The other pain about me suddenly being unwell today is that we're supposed to be going to the Chinese for a birthday tea for my older brother. It's sort of a "congratulations on the new job" meal as well. So far I haven't eaten anything today so I'm hoping by tonight I might be able to manage some soup and maybe a chicken dish of some description. I'll be so disappointed if I have to stay here in bed and miss it!
My little girl has been playing nursemaid for me and making sure I have everything I need. It's incredibly sweet to have her clucking around me, but I'm also glad my parents have now made her stay downstairs whilst I rest.
I'm all ache-y and spaced out, oh, and what do you know. I think I might have that sleep after all...

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