21 September 2013

internet tutorials are awesome!

Guides last night was a great success. We had everyone occupied and so busy that we lost track of the time and had to race to get finished on time.
We will be continuing the project next week. And will also be doing more badge work. Last night we had them talking about energy and they made a plan for themselves of ways they could save energy on a daily basis. I particularly liked the suggestion of one Guide who was going to attempt to get her mum to drink the coffee her dad makes in the morning rather than making a second one!
We also had the usual suggestions of watching less tv and then there was turning off wifi on the tablet so it would need charged less often. I think I can safely say that is new issue...
And then the fun began! We got out the t-shirts and I took some before photos (which I won't publish here as the Guides are in them). Then they were let loose with glue and needles, ribbons and net, and some very large scissors. I went to work on my own project. I cut my t-shirt into one big tube and then cut up through it, leaving a strip at the top.
My Guide leader was absolutely fascinated and could not see how it could possibly turn into a scarf. I ploughed on regardless. Next you pull each of the strips to get them to curl in on themselves. Gather the top together and secure it with some ribbon, or whatever et voila... I have one (fairly cool) scarf in less than half an hour :)
I like it so much I am actually wearing it today, too.
I'm going to re-do that ribbon later...
Next, I had to try out the whole "design on a piece of sandpaper" idea. The idea is that once the design is complete you can turn it over and iron it on to a t-shirt, or where ever. Again, much scepticism as to how it could possibly work. But it seems to be quite legit. There are loads of tutorials online about doing it.
So QM and I gave it a go. I drew a turtle and she tried a butterfly. The crayon seems to stay on top of the sand and I can see how, when I iron it, it'll be transferred. It's quite strange colouring onto sandpaper though, I can tell you.
I remembered to write backwards!
Madam is currently drawing her own design using some of the leftover supplies from last night. I'm not sure hers will work as well though...
As for today, well, it's pretty much back to normal. We went to the market this morning. Madam got a book and now we are waiting for dad to make us lunch. Which will be pie and beans, the same lunch he has had on a Saturday practically every week of his life! I did manage to get him onto quiche and a salad over the summer! Progress...
This afternoon I have to be domestic and get all madam's school things washed and organised for next week. She is still loving school just as much and had the added excitement of football skills practice yesterday morning. I think the main excitement in that was actually that she got to wear trackie bottoms to school instead of her uniform...

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